Poems. (Privately Printed.): Proofs for the Second Trial Book (partial), Princeton/Troxell.

Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Production Description

Document Title: [Untitled]
Author: Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Printer: Strangeways and Walden
City of publication: London
Date of publication: 1869 November 25-26
Pre-Publication Information: This is a set of proof pages for the Second Trial Book.
Pagination: [1]-[3], 27-32, 65-90, 95-140, 161-162, 165-168, 171-210
Authorization: DGR
Corrector: DGR


Current Location: Princeton U. Library, Troxell Collection
Catalog Number: 23304

Physical Description

Point: 8
Lines per Page: 29
Dimensions of Document: crown octavo, 18.5 x 12.1 cm


  • Lewis, The Trial Book Fallacy, 186.
  • Wise, The Ashley Library, VIII. 125-126.
  • Troxell, “The Trial Books”, 184-187.
  • Fraser, “The Rossetti Collection of Janet Camp Troxell”, 163-164.
  • Burnett, The Ashley Catalogue, I. 71-72.

Scholarly Commentary


Following Troxell, Fraser represents these proofs as an early state of the Second Trial Book pulled before the 25 November printing. Lewis follows this view, which is not correct (see 186). These pages are a partial (uncorrected) set of the second state of the Second Trial Book which was pulled around 25 November. They were probably kept by DGR for reference purposes as he was engaged in his elaborate process of revisions.

Electronic Archive Edition: 1