Rossetti Archive Textual Transcription

Document Title: The Lady's Lament (draft manuscript)
Author: Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Date of Composition: 1848
Type of Manuscript: holograph draft

The full Rossetti Archive record for this transcribed document is available.

Image of page [1] page: [1]
  • Never happy any more!
  • Aye, turn the saying o'er and o'er,
  • It says but what it said before:
  • And the whole hour is sad and/grievous So that the hour feels bruised and sore,
  • The leaves are blown The wet leaves blow aslant the floor
  • In the rain through the open door.
  • No more! never more!
  • Not any more!
  • Never happy any more!
  • 10 Draw the curtain: close Put the light out: shut the door
  • Sweep the wet leaves from the floor,
  • Even so Just thus God's hand purgeth his floor./ Even so Just thus God's hand shutteth the door
  • On me, that was not shut before
  • Shall it be opened any more?
  • No more! never more!
  • Not any more!
  • Never happy any more!
  • The eyes are weary & give o'er,
  • But still the soul weeps as before.
  • 20 And shall one's spirit then always must each one deplore
  • And shrink Each once, nor bear what others bore?
  • This is now, as it was of yore.
  • No more! never more!
  • Not any more!
  • Never happy any more!
  • Is it not but a sorry lore
  • That says, “Take strength, the worst is o'er”?
  • Shall the stars seem as heretofore?
  • The day weareth more and more.
  • 30 While I was weeping, the day wore.
  • No more! never more!!
  • Not any more!
  • Never happy any more!
  • In the cold behind the door
  • That was the dial striking four:
  • One for the past years, of yore,
  • Two for joy & hope gone o'er;
  • One for the solemn dark before!
  • No more! never more!!
  • 40Not any more!
  • Never happy any more!
  • Though my lips/hands arms be bitter writhen sore
  • Though my heart bleed at the core!
  • Though my the tears be shaken o'er
  • My hair that traileth on the floor
  • Though my soul pray evermore—
  • Shall it be opened any more?
  • No more! never more!
  • Not any more!
Electronic Archive Edition: 1
Source File: 8-1848.sangms.rad.xml
Copyright: Published with the permission of Iziko Museums of Cape Town