Excerpt from the Ninth Tale of the Sixth Day of Boccaccio's Decameron

Dante Gabriel Rossetti

General Description

Date: 1861
Genre: translation

Scholarly Commentary


This text is interesting as an example of DGR's method of translating an extended passage of early Italian realistic prose. It is worth comparing this Boccaccio translation with DGR's translation of the prose of the Vita Nuova. The latter's style is slightly archaized in order to signal the elevation of its thought. Also, both of these prose texts should be compared, in point of style, with DGR original prose compositions, and in particular with “Hand and Soul”.

Textual History: Composition

Almost certainly a later work, perhaps as late as 1860-61.

Printing History

First published in 1861 in The Early Italian Poets; it was reprinted in 1874 in Dante and his Circle.

Electronic Archive Edition: 1
Source File: 9p-1861.raw.xml