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All texts and images with instances of:

"How They Met Themselves"

This collection contains 12 Rossetti Archive files.


  1. Dante Gabriele Rossetti con 107 Illustrazioni1906
  2. The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood1905
  3. Dante Gabriel Rossetti1905
  4. Dante Gabriel Rossetti1894
  5. Drawings of D. G. Rossetti1907
  6. Dante Gabriel Rossetti, An Illustrated Memorial of His Art and Life1899



  1. How They Met Themselves

    1860-1864 (circa) watercolour

  2. How They Met Themselves

    1864 1864 watercolour

  3. How They Met Themselves

    1851-1860 1851-1860 pen and ink and brush

  4. How They Met Themselves

    1851 pen and ink

  5. How They Met Themselves [print]

    1912 (circa) Colour print mounted on cream construction paper matte; opens like a card with (left) framing panel; picture is mounted on inside right panel.

  6. How They Met Themselves [print]

    1860-1913 (circa) Charcoal and beige print on beige and grey board
