Notes on the Writings of D. G. Rossetti

William Michael Rossetti

General Description

Date: 1886-1911
Genre: poem notes


◦ Gregory, Bibliographical and Reference Guide to DGR, Part B, 83-85

◦ Fredeman, Pre-Raphaelitism, 93-94

Scholarly Commentary


WMR first wrote these notes on his brother's works for his two volume edition published in 1886, where the notes were distributed at the end of of each volume. From this base he moved to his comprehensive study of DGR's works, paintings as well as writings, in his 1889 study Dante Gabriel Rossetti as Designer and Writer. He carried the notes foreward through the various reprintings of the 1886 edition that followed. His critical work extended even further with the publication in 1895 of WMR's Memoir and Family Letters, issued together as a two volume set. WMR's culminant edition of DGR's Works, published in one volume in 1911, augmented the notes considerably.

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