Poems. (Privately Printed.): the A2 Proofs (partial), British Library Copy (Ashley 1399)

Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Production Description

Document Title: Poems. (Privately Printed.)
Author: Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Printer: Strangeways and Walden
City of publication: London
Date of publication: 1869 September 20
Pre-Publication Information: This is a set of the A2 proofs in its first state.
Pagination: [i-iv], 5-6, 9-10, 13-14, 17-25, [26], 29-40, 45-[46], 47-50, 53-[54], 55-58, [59].
Authorization: DGR
Corrector: DGR


Current Location: British Library
Catalog Number: Ashley 1399
Note: This was T. J. Wise's copy, which he probably received from either Swinburne or WMR.


  • Wise, The Ashley Library, IV. 124-125.
  • Troxell,“The Trial Books”, 192.
  • Fraser, “The Rossetti Collection of Janet Camp Troxell”, 160-161.
  • Lewis, The Trial Book Fallacy , 186.
  • Burnett, The Ashley Catalogue, I. 75-76.

Scholarly Commentary


The cover note, in T. J. Wise's hand, is misleading. This document represents a partial copy of the A2 Proofs in their first state. They were printed around 21 September 1869. Lewis designates the A2 Proofs proof state 4 (see Lewis).

These proofs have only a few autograph corrections and revisions. They were probably once part of a complete copy that included the material that now survives in the Princeton/Troxell collection's Second Partial Copy, uncorrected, of 33 pages.

Electronic Archive Edition: 1
Source File: 1-1870.a2.bl.rad.xml
Copyright: By permission of the British Library