Men of the Time

Kent (publisher)

Production Description

Document Title: Men of the Time. Biographical Sketches of Eminent Living Characters. Also, Biographical Sketches of Celebrated Women of the Time.
Publisher: W. Kent and Co. (late D. Bogue)
City of publication: London
Date of publication: 1857
Edition: 4th

Scholarly Commentary


Conceived as a periodical reference volume, Men of the Time aimed to provide “a series of biographical sketches of eminent living persons in all parts of the civilised world” (Preface, p. iv). In Dante Gabriel Rossetti as Designer and Writer (page 140), WMR states that “In or about” 1857, “Rossetti wrote another little article about Madox Brown—the brief biographical notice which appears in Men of the Time; a notice which has been added to by some other hand at a later date, and which may or may not, in other respects, stand strictly as written by Rossetti.” (The other article by DGR on Madox Brown appeared in the Daily News (London) on September 9, 1856 .) DGR had also written another article on Brown in 1851.

The earliest comfirmable edition of Men of the Time to contain a sketch of Brown was the fourth, published in 1857, where it appeared in the Addenda section; this text is presented here. Later editions of Men of the Time (e.g., 1872, 1887, 1891) published altered versions of the sketch of Brown.

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