Poems. (Privately Printed.), A2 Proofs

Dante Gabriel Rossetti

General Description

Date: 1869 September 20 (circa)


◦ Wise, The Ashley Library, IV. 124-125 .

◦ Troxell, “The Trial Books”, 192 .

◦ Fraser, “The Rossetti Collection of Janet Camp Troxell”, 160-161 .

◦ Lewis, The Trial Book Fallacy, 186 .

Scholarly Commentary


The A2 Proofs were pulled shortly after the printing of the A Proofs, which were printed around 13 September. The two sets are closely related, carrying the initial revisions that DGR had made on the first integral set of proofs—that is, the Penkill Proofs, which were printed slowly during July and August. All these as well as the later proofs form part of the elaborate 1869-1870 Proofs of the poetry he was considering for publication. Lewis designates the A2 Proofs proof state 4 (see Lewis, The Trial Book Fallacy, 186 ).

Of the surviving copies of the A2 proofs one is a perfect copy, the Fitzwilliam Copy. The Princeton/Troxell Collection has two partial copies, DGR's Working Copy, which has 60 pages with numerous hand corrections; and a Second Partial Copy, uncorrected, of 33 pages. The latter probably formed part, originally, of a single proof copy that also included the A2 proof material now in the British Library, Ashley 1399. The latter has 45 pages (6 blanks) and carries some corrections and additions.

A mixed set of proofs containing pages from the A Proofs, the A2 Proofs, and the first and second trial books—none of the pages with any manuscript markings—is housed in the Troxell collection as well. These proofs are bound into the second volume of the 1901 edition of DGR's Collected Works.

Electronic Archive Edition: 1
Source File: 1-1870.a2.raw.xml