Spheral Change

Dante Gabriel Rossetti

General Description

Date: 1881
Genre: lyric


◦ Sloan, “Attempting ‘Spheral Change’”, (2004)

Scholarly Commentary


The poem should be compared with “Insomnia” written at about the same time. Its biographical relevance—a poem shadowed by DGR's memory of his dead wife—seems clear. An unintegrated line scripted on the Delaware draft manuscript—“We two may end our martyrdom”—is a peculiarly poignant sign of how DGR continued to be haunted by the memory of his wife.

Textual History: Composition

Composed in 1881, only one manuscript of the poem is known, the corrected draft in the library of the Delaware Art Museum.

Printing History

The poem was first printed in the 1881 Ballads and Sonnets and was collected thereafte

Electronic Archive Edition: 1
Source File: 14-1881.raw.xml