The Letters


General Description

Date: 1835-1882

Scholarly Commentary


The standard edition of the letters is William E. Fredeman's The Correspondence of Dante Gabriel Rossetti (2002 -) , which is still in progress of publication (four volumes having been issued to this point). Fredeman's comprehensive work replaces the inadequate edition of Doughty and Wahl, The Letters of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 4 Vols. (1965) . The latter supplanted various earlier separate collections, the most important of which is the still valuable edition of DGR's life and letters published in 1895, volume 1 containing WMR's Memoir while volume 2 comprised a heavily annotated collected of DGR's letters. The latter has been incorporated as part of the present Archive.

The Archive also contains a freshly edited selection of letters and parts of letters that contain important textual works by DGR, and especially poems or parts of poems that he included in letters sent to his family and friends. It is anticipated, or at any rate hoped, that the Fredeman edition will one day be integrated into or connected electronically to this Archive.

Electronic Archive Edition: 1
Source File: dgr.ltr.raw.xml