Scene from Ivanhoe

Dante Gabriel Rossetti

General Description

Date: 1839


◦ Surtees, A Catalogue Raisonné, vol. 1, 233 (appendix no. 1).

Scholarly Commentary


“Magnificent in shining armour over a coat of mail and wearing a plumed helmet with the visor up displaying a handsome profile, Ivahnoe is in the act of accepting an emblazoned shield from a squire who stands looking at him, hand on hip. In the background an embroidered hanging (and two unfinished ones) looped with tassels seems to indicate a tenet; further squires with shields and spears stand waiting without. Scribbles of heads, all in profile to left on a larger scale, occupy the centre of the page” (Surtees, I. 233).

Textual History: Composition

WMR's inscription on the reverse is: “By Gabriel c. 1839”.


The scene is an imagining taken from either the tournament of Ashby (Volume I chapter 8) or the trial by combat at Templestowe (volume III chapter 13). In fact the arming of Ivanhoe is not described in either chapter, so DGR is creating a representation of an implied event.

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